Europeana Task Force on Digital Storytelling


1st September 2020 – 31th March 2021


The purpose of this Task Force is to produce research and recommendations based on examples of interesting, engaging and effective storytelling practices found around the web – particularly those that incorporate cultural heritage – with the intention of feeding into the development of the Europeana collections website as a ‘powerful platform for storytelling’.

I took part in Task 2: Longlist and I have been co-coordinator of Task 4: Recommendations




My previous research on storytelling in archaeological sites and museums encouraged me to contribute to this Task Force. The work carried out with colleagues coming from different areas of the GLAM sector was inspirational and enriched both the final recommendations and my expertise. I am sure that the final output of this Task Force will serve as a guideline for museum and cultural institutions that want to approach storytelling using Europeana.
